This was my first class where I created graphics. I updated one of my projects to add to my final portfolio. I was super surprised when my professor gave one of my designs a glowing review!

Semiotics Project


For this project, you will create a piece that is imbued with semiotic significance. The completed project must include at least 1 of the 3 types of signs: iconic, indexical, and symbolic. Start with a message in mind. What would you like your audience to feel or understand as a result of your effort?

PowerPoint Presentation: CraigLaurene_SemioticsProject_Arts209b

“This is arguably one of the best Semiotics presentations I’ve seen in a long time.  Not only do you demonstrate a very strong understanding of the theory of Semiotics, you were able to execute an image that totally uses symbols to communicate a very relevant issue. I could actually see this as a real magazine ad.  Very good work. ” – Dr. Barron Bell

Grade: A

Gestalt Theory Project


For this project, you will create a piece designed with the use of gestalt laws of perception as tools for creating emphasis/focal point and unity. Your completed project needs to utilize at least 2 of the gestalt laws. Start with a message in mind. What would you like your audience to feel or understand as a result of your effort? What would you like to communicate: a feeling? A concept? A goal?

PowerPoint Presentation: CraigLaurene_Gestalt_ART 209 D01-LUO


Grade: A

Cognitive Theory Project

The goal of this project is to create a work of art meant to persuade the viewer about a particular idea. You must decide on a target audience and a specific message about which you are trying to convince them. After brainstorming, filling the attached document with your project plans and submit the document as a PDF.

I used this poster in my final portfolio. I learned so much from this first poster during my first year to my final capstone class in graphic design

PowerPoint Presentations: 



Grade: A